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1) The Brix
We have two sets of the deck for sale in Canada. The first is Brix: Brix of the deck's name. This is updated version of the deck, for which I'm now the only person currently running it. It features some more valtrex online pharmacy powerful cards, a couple that don't just look strong in limited but are going to be popular with Standard players (Searing Blood, Burning Earth), and a card I was surprised to see not yet in this deck (Fog), alongside other solid cards like Raging Ravine and Deathrite Shaman. We'll start with the full list of cards that are in the deck.
2) Death & Taxes
If you're on a limited budget but still want to try one of the best decks in Magic, then Death & Taxes is the deck for you. Since it has less playability than Modern D&T, you might consider a budget W/R Aggro/Mid Lowball deck instead if that's your thing. In Death & Taxes you want to use your early mana get value on your creatures, then use that value on your opponent's creatures, casting multiple copies of Snapcaster Mage (in conjunction wit